Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Floor-to-Area Ratio (FAR) Bonuses


Floor-to-area ratio bonus: A floor-to-area ratio (FAR) bonus is an allowed increase in the amount of buildable space relative to the area of the land upon which the building is sited. This bonus can be negotiated on a floor-by-floor basis to permit buildings to cover more of the site at ground levels, and step back from the street at higher levels. FAR bonuses are particularly useful to support form-based codes because they allow the design of the building to be adjusted to both achieve higher density, and ensure adequate air flow, light, and visibility between buildings.

How to Get Started

City of New York Inclusionary Housing Program - Floor to Area Ratio Bonus

The Inclusionary Housing Program (IHP) promotes economic integration in areas of the City undergoing substantial new residential development by offering an optional floor area bonus in exchange for the creation or preservation of affordable housing, on-site or off-site, principally for low-income households.

Bellingham Washington Floor Area Bonus Incentives

Floor Area Bonus Options for Bellingham, Washington. Floor area bonus options are offered as incentives to encourage facilities and amenities that implement the Old Town Sub-area Plan. (Recommend using this pdf with City of Bellingham Municipal Code)
