Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Protect High Priority Lands
Community land trusts are private non-profit corporations created to acquire and hold land for the benefit of a community and to provide affordable access to land and housing for community residents. Their missions are often shaped by the intent to meet the needs of residents least served by the prevailing markets.
How to Get Started
Basic Facts And Resources For Landowners

This guide includes an overview of land trusts and describes a step by step process of working with a land trust to acquire land. The Land Trust Alliance LTA provides comprehensive resources including policy actions, funding sources, and training opportunities. Users can search for land trusts in their community. A section of the LTA site is dedicated to Coastal Conservation Networking which provides land trusts working in coastal communities with resources to help address challenges associated with climate climate change impacts.
Preserving Community-Managed Open Spaces: Criteria And Process

This guide by Baltimore Green Space lays out how to use community assets and work with land trusts in an urban as well as rural environment. This resource summarizes the process and criteria for community and land trust roles in transferring land from city-ownership to land trust protection.
Protecting And Restoring Wetlands: A Guide For Land Trusts

In coastal communities, high priority lands include wetlands, riparian zones, and aquatic ecosystems. The Association of State Wetland Managers' guide covers how land trusts protect, preserve, and restore wetlands. Information on developing partnerships between local governments and land trusts, and techniques for protection and restoration of wetlands can be found in Chapter Two.