Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Increased Density
Policies that increase housing density provide a greater diversity of housing types and costs, thereby meeting the needs of a broader range of residents. Benefits accrue when residents can take advantage of waterfront amenities such as water-based transit systems, businesses, and leisure or recreational opportunities.
How to Get Started
San Francisco General Plan. Housing Element, Part II: Objectives, Policies, and Implementation Programs

San Francisco's plan to meet critical housing needs and affordability. Addresses increasing housing density served by good public transit and other amenities. Includes removal of density caps, increasing height limits, allowing secondary units, and increasing site availability. Links to related transportation objective and policies.
2003 Downtown Fort Worth Strategic Action Plan, Chapter 2: Housing

Fort Worth's housing vision for downtown focuses on increasing density with a variety of housing options, while maintaining local character and connecting to the Trinity River corridor.
South Waterfront Plan for Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon's 2003 plan emphasizes mixed uses and an urban character that include high density development near city amenities, including transit, retail, health, and entertainment.